Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Can’t you believe that we are almost out of 2020? It seems like 2020 just started and now it’s almost gone. But today we are celebrating Thanksgiving and thanking Jesus Christ and his Father God for this life that he gave to us and this food on our tables. This Thanksgiving is going to be a very thankful giving for a lot of people.

I just wanted to stop by and say Happy Thanksgiving to my blog family and to everyone in the world. May Jesus bless your Thanksgiving with love and peace. My Jesus brings families together at this bad time that we are going through. My the sunshine on this day and bring joy to everyone’s hearts.

Lets take this time to thank God for everything. Thank him for being there for us and loving us. Thank him for never leaving our side and putting peace in our hearts. Thank him for the mercy that he has and this day that he gave to uw to share with family and be thankful for family.

With that said, once again Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and my your family be safe and filled with love and blessings.

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