Happy Blessing New Years {2020}


Happy New Years 2020 to everyone that is following my blog and to the whole world. 2019 has been very loving but hard at the same time. I have a whole new plan for my life in this 2020. There is a lot of things that I still have to change about myself. But what I can say is that my faith in GOD got more stronger and I have got even closer to GOD. GOD has help me through this whole year with all this evil that is around this world.

This year in 2020 I have a lot of changing to do. My plans is to get my husband and I a camper van and start travelling the world. Give me more time to read and understand GOD’S word. And to see what his next mission that he has for me. GOD is so great to allow my husband and I to see this whole year through. Anything could have happened but, GOD has been with us every step of the way.


This year 2019 has been so special to me because I was with my husband. We had so many good times in 2019 that we will never forget. The moments that we shared can’t be replaced. I am so glad that we have pictures and videos to remained us what a grateful and blessed year. Now it’s time to start being a new and better person, also start a new life. That means cutting a lot of people off to get better and focus even more on GOD.

To all my 162 followers, I want to thank you for being there to understand what I am trying to say. All you have been very inspirational to me and you all are the reason that I can keep going. I really want to give my huge thanks to DAWN, STEVE’S COUNTRY, JESUSLUVSALL, and LYIDA POTTER. You have been very inspirational and giving me that GODLY feel that i haven’t had in a long time. To all my followers you mean a lot to me and I thank you. Going into 2020 I pray that we can stay spreading GOD’S word and get closer.


This 2020 his going to be a huge blessing for a lot of people to do better and be better. In this 2020 this world is about to change and for some people it’s going to change for the good. We all have to make sure that, we always but GOD first at all times. Have a grateful and blessed New Year. May you start your year starts off wonderful with positivity energy. Happy New Years {2020} Blessings to everyone in this world.


21 thoughts on “Happy Blessing New Years {2020}

  1. Happy New Year! Yes, very late, sorry I haven’t been around for so long, sometimes just too much happens and I get behind in reading but hopefully that will change this year as I make some changes in my schedule. Thank you so much for mentioning me too, I hope this year is a wonderful year full of God’s blessings on you and your husband!😃😺⛄🌲

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      1. I saw that your uncle had passed away, I pray God’s strength to be with you at this time. Always good to know that he is now with God and much better off than being here! Have a great day!😁😸⛄🌲

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